The Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) is the leading assessment instrument for HR-professionals. It offers clear and quick insight based on the DISC model.

Better teams, leadership and candidates with the insights from easyPPA

EasyPPA offers a detailed report within just 8 minutes with strong points and important focus areas of a person. In addition, with easyPPA you receive more insight into communication style, motivation and behavior of this person under pressure. View this video to learn more about easyPPA.

®easyPPA Is an officially registered licensee of Thomas International

The advantages of easyPPA

A quick and clear report > Including to-the-point suggestions for interview questions > available in 50 languages > Thomas International certified > Retrospective payment possible


  • “Since founding CoSellers, we have been using the PPA in selecting candidates. With this we can do more targeted and efficient interviews and can inform our clients more objectively. A focus on results, initiative and persuasiveness are important characteristics of sales and marketing professionals. With the PPA we can quickly scan whether a candidate is equipped with these traits. Thanks to the digital tool we can build flexible reports and choose multiple languages.”
    Hans Krumm – Owner CoSellers:

  • “For several years now, we’ve worked with easyPPA and are very content with it. EasyPPA works fast, easy and reliable! The PPA is a great tool to get an even better look into the characteristics of candidates during the R&S process and adds to hiring the right candidate in the right place!
    Wietze Heijn, HR consultant:

Why ask for an easyPPA online assessment?

The PPA is a powerful instrument to quickly, reliably and objectively gauge someone’s behavior in work situations and map out his or her core qualities. EasyPPA offers surprisingly good insight into the following aspects ->

1. Core qualities of the candidate or employee
2. Characteristics and behavior in the workplace
3. Motivation
4. Communicative and social skills
5. For what job is the candidate best equipped?